söndag 23 juni 2013

Öppet brev till Brasiliens President Dilma Roussef

Viktigt uttalande om vad som händer i Brasilien från MST, fackföreningsrörelsen CUT, studentrörelsen och de svartas rörelse, bland andra/Lennart

Open letter to President Dilma Rousseff from Brazil’s social movements

[NOTE: In the midst of the largest street demonstrations Brazil has seen in
decades, some of the the country’s most important social movements –
including the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST), the Unified
Workers’ Central (CUT), and the National Union of Students (UNE) – sent the
following open letter to Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff on June 20.
Translation by me]

This week, Brazil has witness mobilisations across 15 capital cities and
100s of other cities. We are in agreement with the statements coming out of
these protests, which affirm the importance of these mobilisations for
Brazilian democracy, because we conscious of the fact that the changes we
need in this country will come through popular mobilization.

More than a conjectural phenomenon, the recent mobilisations are a sign of
the gradual renewal of the capacity for popular struggle. It was this
popular resistance that paved the way for the electoral results of 2002,
2006 and 2010. Our people, not satisfied by neoliberal measures, voted for
a different project. In order to implement this project, it was necessary
to confront great resistance, primarily from rentist capital and neoliberal
sectors that continue to have a lot of weight in society.

But it was also necessary to confront the limits imposed by last minute
allies, an internal bourgeoisie who in challenging government policies
impeded the realization of structural reforms, as is the case in the areas
of urban reform and public transport

The international crisis has blocked growth, and with it the continuity of
the project pushed by this broad front that, until now, has sustained the

The recent mobilisations are being carried out by a diverse cross section
of the youth that for the first time is participating in mobilisations.
This process educates its participants, allowing them to understand the
necessity of confronting those that are holding back Brazil from moving
forward in this process of democratization of wealth, of access to health,
education, land, culture, political participation, and media.

Conservative sectors within society are trying to dispute the significance
of these mobilisations. The media is trying to portray the movement as
anti-Dilma, as against corrupt politicians, against the wasting of public
money and other demands that would impose the return of neoliberalism. We
believe that there are many demands, just as there are many opinions and
visions of the world present in society. We are dealing with a cry of
indignation from a people historically excluded from national political
life and accustomed to seeing politics as something that is damaging to

Given all this, President, we write to you to express our position in
support of policies that guarantee the reduction of public transport fares
by reducing the profits of the big companies. We are against the policies
of tax exemptions for these companies/

Now is the time for the government to implement these democratic and
popular demands, and stimulate the participation and politicization of
society. We commit our to promoting all types of debates around these
issues and we place ourselves at your disposition to also debate them with
the government and its institutions.

We propose the urgent convening of a national meeting, involving the
participation of state governments, mayoral offices of the main capital
cities and representatives of all the social movements. For our part, we
are open to dialogue, and believe that this meeting is the only manner of
finding a way to confront the grave urban crisis that is affecting our big

The time is right. These are the largest mobilisations that the current
generation has seen and other major ones will follow. We hope that the
current government decided to government with the people and not against
the people.


Movimentos da Via Campesina Brasil, ADERE-MG, AP, Barão de Itararé, CIMI,
CMP-MMC/SP, CMS, Coletivo Intervozes, CONEN, Consulta Popular, CTB, CUT,
Fetraf, FNDC, FUP, Juventude Koinonia, Levante Popular da Juventude, MAB,


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